Get sh!t done & have more fun

Hold yourself accountable, make progress faster and enjoy guilt-free downtime

get sh!t done & have more fun

Hold yourself accountable, make progress faster and enjoy guilt-free downtime

how iT works




Be guided into a weekly habit that gets sh!t done.

Keep making progress even when you're switching off.

Make commitments that stick and build momentum.

working with
the accountability viking

How long would we work together?
We can review where you're at in an hour, introduce you to a new habit in 30 days or really make it stick over 90 days or more.

What sort of benefits would you see?
After 2 weeks you'll notice the first effects: More energy. More focus. More motivation.

After 60 days you'll be able to create and maintain those effects for longer and longer.

After 90 days you'll have mastered a repeatable, reliable habit to get sh!t done & have more fun. You won't even need me any more.

How does it work?
It's all online, and can fit any schedule.

We'll talk about your goals, but we'll prioritise something more important: Understanding the obstacles and problems that stop you achieving those goals.

You'll be guided into a weekly habit that gets rid of those "What should I do next?" moments.

I'll be there to support your efforts, cheer you on and keep your eyes on the prize.

Depending on the package you choose, you'll get either live sessions or video feedback.

And if you keep me on your journey, we'll catch up every 30 days to stay on course.

How do I start?
Howl like a wolf and I'll arrive on the horizon in my longboat within 24 hours.

Or you could click here to express your interest. Whichever works for you.

how much to have a viking by your side?

2 programme options:


VIDEO FEEDBACK: £250 a month

FROM £7.50 a day

30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee:

I'm so confident that you'll see immediate benefits that if you're not happy you can cancel within the first 30 days and get your money back. Let the Viking take all the risks.

how much to have a viking by your side?

2 programme options:

live weekly sessions: £750/month

video feedback: £250/month

From £7.50 a day

30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee:

I'm so confident that you'll see immediate benefits that if you're not happy you can cancel in the first 30 days and get your money back. Let the Viking take all the risks.

client success

Drew mabry
founding partner, lightfast
Reach out to Drew on LinkedIn

paul bradley
freelance web & Digital designer
Reach out to Paul on LinkedIn

craig smith
founder, crs editorial
Reach out to Craig on LinkedIn

matthew trussel
managing director, gobig digital
Reach out to Matthew on LinkedIn

got 20 minutes?

Let's talk about what's draining your Profit Power

client success

Drew mabry
founding partner, lightfast
Reach out to Drew on LinkedIn

paul bradley
freelance web & Digital designer
Reach out to Paul on LinkedIn

craig smith
founder, crs editorial
Reach out to Craig on LinkedIn

matthew trussel
managing director, gobig digital
Reach out to Matthew on LinkedIn

got 15 minutes?

Let's talk about what's draining your Profit Power

we have limited energy.

Waste it, lose it or use it unwisely and we get overwhelmed, struggle to focus and fail to make the money we really want.

This precious resource is our Profit Power. And we sacrifice it every single day, almost without thinking.

Use my Profit Power Audit to spot the sacrifices, stop the leaks and start taking advantage of what already works.

Get a FREE unique Profit Power Report complete with 24 tips, tools and techniques to boost productivity, accelerate growth and preserve energy.

ready to maximise profit power?

we have limited energy.

Waste it, lose it or use it unwisely and we get overwhelmed, struggle to focus and fail to make the money we really want.

This precious resource is our Profit Power. And we sacrifice it every single day, almost without thinking.

Use my Profit Power Audit to spot the sacrifices, stop the leaks and start taking advantage of what already works.

Get a FREE unique Profit Power Report complete with 24 tips, tools and techniques to boost productivity, accelerate growth and preserve energy.

ready to maximise your profit power?

weekly email accountability

Every Thursday I send out the Thor's Day Thing. If you only do one thing to improve your Profit Power this week, enter your email and do the Thor's Day Thing.